Thursday 23 August 2007


During the past few weeks I have been thinking a lot about choices. I have started a new job and I suppose I have been back tracking and looking at how on earth I ended up where I am now.

We are the sum total of the many choices that we have made along the way. The thing that we often fail to admit though is that some of these choices have been wrong, based on pride and selfish ambition. And so we live in the consequences .

This can be small scale like choosing the wrong sandwich in the canteen or it can be a big deal, leading us to "situations" where we can feel lost and confused. Even as Christians, we still make wrong decisions. I say that with slight mockery as I know sometimes we think that if we put he word christian in front of something it is automatically good. Christian music..always good, right?!?

Lets face it we are stuck in the middle of a fallen world tangled at times in our own and other people's lousy decisions.

However (and this is a big but) God sets things right.

He doesn't take us away from our tricky situations as many of you know only too well but he becomes present within them. As natural as a breath he brings beauty, weaving together a fabric that could never be manufactured. And so we embrace this promise every day...God setting things right for us. Not making things easy but creating a peace and assurance that he is with us.

Romans 10, 11-13

"It is the word of faith that welcomes God to go to work and set things right for us. You are not "doing" anything -you are simply calling out to God, trusting him to do it for you. That's salvation. With your whole being you embrace God setting things right for you and then you say it out loud, "God has set everything right between him and me".

Right now I can feel the hand of God setting things right. As I have been given the privilege of getting to hold the hands of the dying and embrace their loved ones who are in despair. I have realised that things are very broken, humanity is fallen. Yet I can sense the spirit of God in these thin places. Bitter sweet. Death is dark and bitter, yet there appears a love and devotion between people that demands a long look below the surface and into the things of the soul.

I will never comprehend life, God, death but I can be a channel between them. I can bring God into death and bring life. It is pretty amazing that I can experience the "God setting things right" salvation and then allow him to set things right through me.

This is how God is showing me that no matter where our choices lead us he can always bring love, beauty and restoration.

Salvation excites me. Its stronger than any wrong choice man has ever made, stronger than death even, and yet it in itself is the most important choice of all.

1 comment:

  1. Your compassion for people is so refreshing, in an age of cynicism, my own included, its great to see your faith pervading your daily grind.

    Caring for the dying has got to be one of the toughest jobs in the world, thanks for doing it with dignity and love.
